So, then we are here, both you and me. You are close to finishing reading the book. And I am now close to finishing creating this book. So, is this the finish line for both of us? One might wonder. And to that, I will say no. With a lot of exclamation marks…!!!
Beyond the Book: Your Transformational Path Begins
This is not the finish line or the end for me. And I really hope that it is not the end for you. For you, I would hope that this is the beginning of your path. Either you have never defined a path before, or you feel that you are in some way realigning yourself on a path. I would hope that this content that you have been through, that you now have read and engaged with, creates some new beginnings for you.
And for myself, I know that by finishing this book, I can start a new beginning. And that is by deepening and broadening my own understanding. And sharing that with you, if you choose to connect with me online. I am always looking for ways to deepen and broaden my knowledge.
Because let’s face it, even though I have been on this path since 2001, for over 23 years now, the knowledge that I had after the first initial crazy-like 18 months on my path is not the same knowledge I have now. The core understandings I discovered during the first intense period are still with me. They are still core understandings, and many of them you have engaged with in this book, even though they have been deepened and broadened.
And the same goes for you in your life. The core life you have lived up until this point will always be a part of you. No matter how hard you try to deny it, or how many times you try to bypass it. But you can deepen and broaden and rearrange and defragment your core understanding of yourself. No matter how hard your life has been, or how good it has been, you can always defragment it and understand it in new ways.
Defragmenting Yourself: Unlocking Deeper Wisdom
This rearranging and defragmenting are what I see as the strength in this philosophy of mine. When engaging with yourself through this philosophy, through these tools that I have presented in this book, then the content and the stream of consciousness behind it have the possibility to inspire and impact you in ways that can motivate you to rearrange yourself, your thinking, and your experiences.
And since everything that is, is here, right here and right now, so also are you and your life experiences. The experiences you had 20 years ago are not locked in 20 years ago; they are within you, right here, right now. These experiences, whether good or bad, are available to you even though 20 years, or 20 layers of life experiences have been added on top of them. Nothing goes away, truly.
The feeling of things, the notion of things, the memory of things can fade. But what has happened, has happened. There is no way to alter that. But what we can alter is our connection to what has happened, good or bad. And we can do that by developing ourselves, by broadening our minds, by opening up if we are a constricted mind. Opening up to new possibilities, to rearranged possibilities of our own understanding of our own life.
And in this perspective, it is not everything else that we seek to understand; it is ourselves. You are the philosopher, you are the healer, the light warrior – you are spirit, if you choose to be. You are first and foremost a human being in this earthly perspective, so it is the human being in you that you need to understand. And then, in order to understand your human being side, you would benefit from understanding that at the core, a human being is an electromagnetic entity.
And when you combine your human side with your electromagnetic side, and the possibility that there is more to existence than what we have been told, then a whole new world of new possibilities opens up. Positive possibilities, and maybe some frightening possibilities. But you need to understand, as I understand, that I am the center of my universe. I need to fully grasp the quotation that hangs above the door of the Oracle in Matrix, that reads, “Know thyself.” It is only by knowing myself that I can begin to understand what myself is not, since everything is interconnected.
By cracking the code of being an electromagnetic human being, it is easier to fathom the magnetic side of electromagnetic. Even though light, as discussed in this book, radiates, and darkness sucks in, also light has a magnetic side, meaning light as in high-frequency electromagnetic waves. And it’s the magnetic side of things in an electromagnetic existence that we would benefit from understanding. This is where “like attracts like” comes into play. So, if our insides are full of heavy memories of traumas, of scathing experience, of hurt, these are low-frequency electromagnetic feelings, or slow wavelength in the electromagnetic spectrum.
I’m not talking to you as a scientist, as a man who understands the scientific side of it, but I understand enough to know that positive vibes are faster electromagnetically than negative vibes. But both vibes have the magnetic side of it, so they will attach. That is why “like attracts like.” And that should also act as a positive motivation to go into the darker side of yourself, into darkness, in search of the light that is, by definition, trapped within these dark emotions.
Releasing Darkness, Embracing Light: The Path of Transformation
If you lived a life that was good up until you were seven years old, and then a trauma happened in your life that really got stuck, and that trauma started to redefine you, there is light before that trauma. Or to put it in other words, there are lights at the bottom of that darkness. It is that light that we need to release by going through, so to speak, the darkness in order to understand it, in order to defragment it, and in order to release it.
And when we release a light that’s been entrapped, it will have an expanding effect. Everything that is liberated is liberated joyfully. It comes back into its natural state, be it electromagnetic wounds or a person that is liberated from captivity. There is a euphoria connected to every liberation.
We are at any given moment 100%. We cannot not be 100%. There was never a moment in your life leading up to this point in time where you were not 100%. Even if you 10 years ago lost a limb, you were still 100% of what you are. You might have lost a limb, so you are a limb shorter, or you are short of a limb, but you are still 100%.
Because you are not your body. You are more than that. You live in your body. You radiate through your body. You are connected to your body, and you live through it, but you are not your body, so to speak.
So, with that understanding, it becomes quite clear that transformation cannot be about adding light. Transformation will not work if you try to add something. It’s all about rearranging and transforming. Within our 100%, we can be 50% dark and 50% light, or 90% light and 10% dark, or any other variation, but we are always 100%. So, in order for you to add something, you have to get rid of something first. And that is a positive mechanism. When you defragment and release darkness that has been sucking in on itself and in on everything around it, because that is what darkness does. That is what black holes do. They suck in on themselves and everything around.
When that is released, there will, so to speak, be a vacuum. So then, there is a possibility to add more, to download something, to discover something, that you can unpack within yourself, within that vacuum, something that is positive by nature. But understand this; vacuum will seek to fill itself, whether you actively engage with the notion of vacuum or not. So be conscious about what you place in front of an inner vacuum.
When you are on a path of inspirational and transformational work, then know this: Whatever you do has an impact on your 100%. And the only thing you can do is rearrange within that 100%. You can never become 110%, as you can never become 90%.
So, when you release darkness, whatever shade of dark that is, then you have room to expand light. Then you have more room within your mind to grasp something new. When you release darkness, you are not as rigid as you were before you released the darkness.
We are still talking about the same 100%. But it’s the way that light and darkness operate that gives this feeling of vacuum, feeling of being unfilled. So, even though I say that every release is a euphoric state, the second after the euphoria has passed, you might feel empty. Because you have, in that perspective, lost something within that 100%.
The most difficult moment on an interdimensional inspired personal deep transformational path is the first day or the first period. Every day and every period that follows that first day or period will be easier. Because you cannot embark on a path like this if you do not have a minimum understanding that this is positive for you. It might be frightening because, let’s face it, facing your own inner demons is kind of frightening.
There will be challenges along this path, confusion, fear, but that is a natural state of transforming oneself. And that is not to be feared, so to speak. Out of confusion, clarity. Out of fear, joy. Out of darkness, light.
Understand This
There is no way of changing the world; we can only change what the world is built upon, and that is the minds, intentions, and aspirations of every single human being that is present on the surface of this planet. Our mind is the key – not the concept of the soul. Our mind, our consciousness, is at the deepest understanding the fabric of our existence.
Our consciousness is part of mankind’s collective consciousness, that active mental force displaying itself in every corner of the world 24/7. Behind or underneath this displayed mental force is the unconscious field, both personal and collective. And below or beneath this field sits mankind’s accumulated unconscious or subconscious field, depending on who is defining and describing it. This is the foundational core of our mental electromagnetic activities.
It is from this electromagnetic core field that every inspiration draws energy, and it is into this core field that everything that goes on in our mind is imprinted. So, in order to tackle what’s not right in the world, we – you and I – need to tackle what’s not right in our own consciousness since we are an integrated and interconnected part of this accumulated fundamental electromagnetic field.
I know and understand that this sounds far-fetched to most people. But ask yourself this question. Despite all the good people on this planet, all the prophets we have had, all the well-intended NGOs, all the teachers, philosophers, parents, systems, revolutions, politicians, plans, and actions of goodwill – Why Are We Still Submerged In Shit! Why, over 2000 years since the Western world’s last prophet, are we still hurting each other, killing each other, raping, mutilating, slandering, betraying, starving, and dominating each other?!
Why do we not distribute the wealth and the resources in the way we, the people, want and the politicians and the experts know is best? Why do we, as a collective, still climb the pyramid of power? Why is someone’s life more worth than another’s? Why do we accept that thousands of people starve to death, have their hands chopped off for stealing food, and have to grow up to become a victim or an offender – when we KNOW that this is not right?! There has to be a better way! There must be something we are not seeing?!
There is no point going after the shady ones, whether you define them as politicians, reptilians, the Illuminati, or cabal. If you fight a system, it will fight back and win. If you take down a system, it will arise in another form somewhere else. If you think you can win this fight, you have already lost.
But, if you and I, within ourselves, embark on an inner transformative journey, grabbing hold of, defragmenting in order to understand, and transforming our interconnected subconscious darkness, then we will transform the collective and accumulated electromagnetic unconscious field, and thus there will be less collective darkness to be fueled by – and there will be more room for light, love, and unity – and then, and only then can we hope to deconstruct this mankind that has been handed down through generations. Then, and only then, will what’s not in line with the highest good depart or be left with no other option than to transform or die, so to speak.
I know this to be a good perspective and understanding because I have thought about nothing else for 23 years, and one day I hope more people than me will see this outline that I am trying to convey to you. And then, and only then, can we – you and I, and the unborn children of men, begin to shine our own light without having to fight the shadows of others.
Onward to Your Transformation Journey
With these words, I will bid you farewell. I hope that this foundational TULWA manuscript has touched something in you, something that has made it possible for you to touch yourself on a deeper level than you have been able to before.
And I hope that one day, when I turn my head, I will have the pleasure of seeing you alongside me on your own path, eagerly engaged, with a curious smile on your face, digging into yourself in order to find the pivot point that takes you upward into unknown heights.
By connecting with this philosophy, you have had the opportunity to connect with me, my thinking, and my life experiences, as well as the streams of consciousness that inspire me and are readily available for you to connect with.
The information you have gotten from my private life is, of course, just a speck of all the experiences I have had, both good and bad, but I hope it’s been enough so that you could recognize and mirror them in your own life. It’s the understanding of your life that should be important to you – not understanding me and my life.
From fractured reflections to unified paths is, in one way, what this is all about. I know that this is the effect of interdimensionally inspired personal deep transformation – and one day I hope you will come to know that too.
In light, love, and unity,
Frank-Thomas Tindejuv