In my journey of interdimensional inspired personal deep transformation, the concept of “It” plays a significant role. When I refer to “It,” I’m talking about a broad and flexible term that encompasses interdimensional or celestial beings, both positive and negative.
Navigating Interdimensional Influences
By using the term “It,” I avoid the spiritual trap of misidentifying these entities. This neutrality prevents me from mistakenly attributing a presence to specific figures like Jesus, Buddha, The Prophet Muhammad, or other beings of human or not human origin, which can lead to significant misdirection.
The Importance of Neutrality and Caution
As interdimensional blind human beings, most of us cannot be certain of the true identity of these entities. This uncertainty can lead to considerable spiritual pitfalls. If I believe I am communicating with a specific figure based on a feeling or notion, I might start to anchor my beliefs and actions around this perceived identity. However, how can I be sure it is truly Jesus, Buddha, Pleiadeans, ET or my deceased mother trying to help out—or any other figure? This ambiguity is dangerous.
For instance, I have personally made the mistake of assuming that a comforting energy was positive and even invited it into my energy field. This can be problematic because voluntarily opening up to an unknown entity might invite negative influences. The primary advantage of referring to these entities as “It” is maintaining a neutral and cautious stance. Naming them can invoke a range of emotions such as respect, fear, humility, or a sense of special purpose – being the “chosen one”, potentially distracting me from my true task of inner work.
The refusal to name these entities serves as a safeguard. A genuinely higher being will understand and appreciate my caution. Naming an entity incorrectly can lead to engagement with a false frequency. For example, if I believe I am interacting with Buddha, a lower-frequency being could easily exploit this belief, macerating as Buddha, feeding me misleading insights and teachings.
Navigating this spiritual path requires a different approach, especially given our blindness to interdimensional realities. Remaining neutral and avoiding specific identifications helps protect against deception and keeps the focus on the essential work of personal transformation—going inward and downward to clear out internal darkness. This neutrality is a protective measure, ensuring that I stay true to my journey without being misled by potentially deceptive entities.
Inner darkness and dark spots is what blindfolds us, so the more we work on them, understanding and transforming them, the better equipped we become to “see” and sense whatever is happening in and around us.
It’s important to recognize that what we radiate out, we attract. One might think that angels or interdimensional positive beings are constantly working to protect us, wrapping us in light. However, this is not my understanding and experience. Can we be protected in moments of unexpected danger, like accidents or sudden attacks? Yes, we can receive help, and in emergency situations, “helpers” are present. Help does not necessarily equal protection. Sometimes we get what we need and not what we want, no matter how hurtful it is.
But if we are on a conscious path, striving to help ourselves, then my knowledge and understanding tell me that this is what they support. They help us in our efforts, not by preventing us from encountering obstacles but by supporting our goal to avoid these obstacles. You need to be in charge of your own life and path, and not leave that up to others, no matter what “kind” they are.
Personal Transformation and Inner Work
When discussing the positive impact of It, it’s crucial to engage in positive activities ourselves. The light warrior philosophy emphasizes fighting for the right to shine one’s own light, inspired by It. When we actively work to clear our path, we are supported by It, regardless of its exact nature. Asking for help from It is not necessary, as this support happens by default.
However, being open to the concept of It and contemplating its mechanisms strengthens the connection. Understanding how It works, or at least being open to the possibility, enhances our receptiveness. You will strengthen your resolve and your intention, and thus strengthening the connection and broadening the flow of energetic help – like a healer that becomes a broader and stronger channel when they are free, open and cleared of inner obstacles and blocks.
Since It connects to or projects towards our electromagnetic field, our electromagnetic self must be open to receiving this support. If I am in denial, bitter, and full of blocks and dark spots, the positive projections from It will be ineffective. There needs to be an opening. Light is never forced, its offered.
If you encounter this philosophy as a dark, negative person, you need to start creating an opening. If you wish to transform yourself through interdimensional inspired personal deep transformation, It will not do the work for you but will support you as you work on yourself.
This support comes through understanding, owning your dark spots, and defragmenting them to release the light within. You must work with your sum total and your electromagnetic self, and the positive It will aid in this endeavor. Meanwhile, the negative It will try to hinder your progress.
You should never succumb to the negative It, just as you should not succumb to the negative aspects of your own mind. Keep your focus on true north, inward and downward, to find darkness and release light. The positive It supports this process of dealing with your darkness for the sake of light, not for the sake of darkness.
Navigating the Path of Light and Darkness
Standing halfway, attempting to balance between your old self and your evolving self, can lead to significant consequences. The negative entities will exploit any hesitation or fear to pull you back into ignorance and darkness. The analogy of crossing a rift or cliff captures this idea well. It’s crucial to commit to reaching the other side, symbolizing a fuller transformation.
The negative side will naturally try to prevent this, aiming to draw you back into the familiar darkness. Meanwhile, the positive entities will encourage and inspire you, but the journey requires courage and a firm resolve to overcome fear and negativity.
The concept of negativity and fear being immobilizing forces is vital. Fear, doubt and disbelief is dark – darkness sucks in, freezes up the body, and hampers movement. Awareness of potential dangers sharpens the mind and fosters alertness, which is distinct from fear.
This state of mind is reminiscent of the alertness required in soldiering and acting, where a certain level of nervous energy ensures peak performance. Similarly, a light warrior must maintain this sharpness and readiness, which is why the TULWA philosophy emphasizes training and preparation.
The imagery of the sword pointing downward in the TULWA logo perfectly encapsulates this ethos. It signifies readiness and vigilance without a desire for confrontation. The light warrior does not seek out battles but stands prepared to respond when called upon. This readiness embodies the balance between awareness and action, allowing the light warrior to navigate the complexities of interdimensional influences with clarity and strength.
I do not see negative It as evil. I do not perceive them as demonic. I am not sure that I know what evil is, like pure evil. I know the word and when I look into mankind, when I look at the way we are conducting the everyday business of this world, I could argue that I see evil. But since I do not understand pure light to the fullest, I cannot understand pure evil or darkness to the fullest either.
So, I do not deal with demons and angels; I deal with positive Its and negative Its. Just because someone or something has a different agenda than I have and, in that way, crosses my path or blocks my path, it does not mean they are evil.
It does what it does based on its belief of what is right for it and whatever it is connected to, the same way I do whatever I do because of my belief in how things should be for me and for mankind on this planet. To a negative It, I am the negative one because if I am let loose to do my thing, it would be damaging to their agenda. Therefore, from their perspective, I am the evil one.
This understanding is important to me because it allows me to place myself in the shoes of what could be named as the opposition. If I were them, how would I go about stopping myself? What would I do to promote and strengthen my own agenda? Knowing that I, as a human being, I am interdimensional blind while they are not, opens up a whole world of possibilities for them to sabotage those who are not seeing.
A person who can see has a significant advantage over a blind person, no matter how heightened the other senses are. We still live in a world where seeing is believing, and a blind person, despite compensating with other senses, faces a drawback in not seeing.
To wrap this up, the concept of “It” and the careful navigation of interdimensional contacts offer valuable insights for anyone on a similar path. Your thoughtful approach serves as both a guide and a safeguard, helping you to stay true to your journey and avoid common pitfalls.
By maintaining neutrality and focusing on inner work, you create a strong, resilient path for personal and spiritual growth. This method not only protects against negative influences but also ensures that any positive support is aligned with your true self and goals.